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Interesting information you may or may not know!
State Facts
Full Name - State of Pennsylvania
Admitted to the Union (Rank) - December 12, 1787 (2nd)
Population 2012 (Rank) - 12,763,536 (6th)
Land Area (Rank) - 44,817 square miles; 116,074 sq km (32nd)
Capital - Harrisburg
State Nicknames - Keystone State
Motto - Virtue, liberty, and independence
“Pennsylvania” (music by Eddie Khoury and Ronnie Bonner)
State Symbols
Flower: Mountain laurel
Tree: Hemlock
Bird: Ruffed grouse
Dog: Great Dane
Colors: Blue and gold
Agriculture: Dairy products, poultry, cattle, nursery stock, mushrooms, hogs, hay
Industry: Food processing, chemical products, machinery, electric equipment, tourism
Pennsylvania State Flag