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Interesting information you may or may not know!
State Facts
Full Name - State of Montana
Admitted to the Union (Rank) - November 8, 1889 (41st)
Population 2012 (Rank) - 1,005,141 (44th)
Land Area (Rank) - 145,552 square miles; 376,979 sq km (4th)
Capital - Helena
State Nicknames - Treasure State, Big Sky Country
Motto - Oro y plata (Gold and silver)
“Montana” (music Joseph E. Howard, words by Charles C. Cohan)
State Symbols
Flower: Bitterroot
Tree: Ponderosa pine
Bird: Western meadowlark
Gems: Montana sapphire and agate
Animal: Grizzly bear
Agriculture: Cattle, wheat, barley, sugar beets, hay, hogs
Industry: Mining, lumber and wood products, food processing, tourism
Montana State Flag