Press Releases and Media
Peter Smith's Radio & Television Interview Summary inspiring American Patriotism
Booker Elementary School gives a glowing review of "The Spirit of America" DVD.
Peter Smith Inspires America in Appleton, Wisconsin and across the nation
America the Beautiful Launches "See America - Celebrating People, Places and Patriotism in America"
Spirit of America DVD Power Point
2007 Spirit of America DVD Reviews
2007 Spirit of America DVD Announcement
America The Beautiful Featured in the Asheville Citizen Times Download PDF
February 5, 2009
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing in regards to the Spirit of America DVD. I wanted to let you know how impressed I am with it. This video is absolutely wonderful! I looked everywhere for something to replace an aged VHS cassette of the Star Spangled Banner and the Pledge of Allegiance (both with scrolling words), but could not find one that I was comfortable using in my school. I was about to give up and settle on a low quality production when I stumbled across your Spirit of America DVD. I was instantly impressed.
Being an elementary music teacher, I am able to use this DVD in many different ways, from classroom lessons, our daily morning show, and even at concerts. The wide variety of songs allow my kids to experience so much, all in one place.
We use the Spirit of America DVD every morning at school for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner during our morning television show. I love the fact that my kids are able to listen to different versions of the same pieces each day. They do not get bored listening to the same things over and over again and get to experience different textures, timbres, and vocal qualities.
Besides the excellent music selections and opportunities, the pictures are also amazing. They show the beautiful side of America that often gets overlooked. With the combination of the music and pictures, you have created an inspiring project. It truly represents America and helps instill a sense of pride and patriotism in my students and staff. I watch it every morning, and am moved each time.
I highly recommend the Spirit of America DVD to anyone. It is truly a high quality production. Anyone without this DVD in his or her collection is definitely missing out on something special. Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and love for our great country! Excellent job!
Josh Power
Music Teacher
Booker Elementary School
The School Library Journal Reviewed The Spirit of America DVD as well:
The Spirit of America. DVD. 1:40 hrs. Prod. by Uniquely Florida. Dist. by AmericaTheBeautiful.com. 2007. #S0A101. $29.95.
Gr 4 Up—Produced to "ignite patriotism in America," this film offers a selection of patriotic songs which are played while appropriate images are flashed on the screen. Among the selections are "God Bless America," "The Star Spangled Banner," "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," "Grand Ole Flag," and "Stars and Stripes Forever." DVD extras include the "Pledge of Allegiance" and patriotic quotations. The soundtrack was recorded with the Appalachian State University Wind Ensemble, the Voices of the Laurel children's choir, Andrea Kramer, and Dr. Barry Bate, Jr. Each song can be listened to as an instrumental version, a performance by a children's choir, and sung by the male or female vocalist. Viewers can also choose to have the lyrics flashed on the screen for each song. The DVD is solidly produced and schools lacking a music teacher might find this an interesting way to teach these songs to students.—David Bilmes, Schaghticoke Middle School, New Milford, CT
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website which is dedicated to inspiring the hearts of all Americans with Patriotic Videos, Photographic Imagery, Americana Music, Gifts and more.
Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Studio M offices at 828-454-9233.
Feel free to email Peter Smith at peter@americathebeautiful.com.