America The is on a Mission to keep the American Flag Flying and the Planet - Green!
Our Red, White, Blue and Green Promotion is helping to keep the Spirit of America and the Planet -
Alive and Well. gets requests from around the world on the proper disposal and flag retirement ceremonies for the American flag. The U.S. Flag Code states, "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning". There are alternatives to burning and recycling is a new and unique option for you. We are working to assure that the American Flag is decommissioned and recycled in a dignified manner. Our staff will make sure the process of decommissioning is done without harming the environment or endangering American citizens.
We gladly accept your flags for retirement and proper disposal - we will also offer provide you with a discount on the purchase of your replacement flag - no other company is doing this.
Complete this Flag Recovery Form and send it to us with your flag to receive a 20% Discount on your replacement flag!
Click on the box above to download your Flag Recycling / Flag Replacement Form
* Currently, due to the costs of recovery, storage and shipment to the recycler - free flag recycling can only be offered to purchasers of new flags (which helps us offset costs). - thank you. *